Colorful carrots for Carnival

21 Feb 2023News

Color your dishes

Colorful carrots, with their vibrant array of colors, can be a perfect choice for celebrating Carnival.

, e orange can be used to create a variety of fun and colorful dishes, such as mixed salads, sweet and sour carrots, and table decorations.

These vegetables are a great option for children’s dishes, who will be happy to see their colorful and fun food during the Carnival festivities.

In addition, they are a healthy choice for the diet as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
For example, purple carrots are a good source of vitamin C and potassium, while yellow carrots contain vitamin A and carotenoids.

In general, carrots, whether colored or not, are an excellent choice for abalanced and healthy diet that can provide our bodies with essential nutrients for overall health and well-being.
Their high fiber content also makes them useful for digestion and weight control.
Fiber helps maintain satiety by reducing the amount of food you consume during a meal and can help regulate intestinal transit.

Here find some suggestions for tasty recipes!


The carrot is native to Central Asia, more specifically modern-day Afghanistan.
From there it spread eastward, taking on a red or otherwise dark coloring, and westward, turning to yellow and white.
The orange carrots we know today were, however, carefully selected in the Netherlands during the 16th century.

The color we know today was achieved through long natural selection and later, through human intervention. This color is the result of the presence of high amounts of beta-carotene, a pigment that is converted by our bodies into vitamin A.

Initially, the goal of carrot breeding was to improve crop yield.
Over time, however, farmers began to select carrots that had a deeper, more uniform color and focused on carrots with sweeter, crisper flesh, which are preferred by consumers.

Orange carrots soon became popular throughout Europe, both for their appealing appearance and for their sweet, crisp flavor.
Since then, orange carrots have become one of the most widely grown and consumed vegetables in the world.