Fumagalli Danilo launches Special Box in partnership with Treedom

2 Nov 2021News

The goal: plant 1,000 trees in 2 years by involving customers

Planting a tree means taking concrete action to help absorb CO₂ and, in so doing, counteract climate change. Doing it programmatically, planting in agroforestry systems and in countries where economic and social development needs to be supported is the mission of
, the world’s first web platform that allows people to plant a tree remotely and follow online the project of which it is a part.
From today, the fruit and vegetable company also.
Fumagalli Danilo
becomes a supporter of it with the creation of the
Fumagalli Forest
, spread across Africa and South America.

Declares Erika Fumagalli, the third generation to lead the company along with her father Danilo: “Working in this field gives us a natural sensitivity to the environmental issue, an issue that also depends on the personal initiatives and behaviors of each of us. That is why we decided to partner with Treedom, planting trees in their projects in Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador and Madagascar. Here both fruit and forest species will be planted and cared for by local women and farmers, benefiting the planet but also their working and living conditions.”

The Treedom project is fully traceable: each tree is geolocated and photographed, and every responsive supporter can follow its story on the dedicated online page. In addition to contributing to the preservation of the environment and its biodiversity, this makes it possible to contribute, in a concrete way, to the development of the communities that inhabit these territories.

“We still remember today,” concludes Erika Fumagalli. Grandfather Mario’s pride when he planted his first orchard in the Mantua region. The privilege we have today, with respect to that orchard, is to be able to share the birth and care of this forest with the people who choose us.”

You can be part of this project and “remotely plant” a Fumagalli Forest tree either as a company or as a private individual. In fact, the Special Boxes will also be available on our e-commerce