January Detox

11 Jan 2023News


And like every year, after the unrestrained bingeing of the holiday season, comes the guilt…
International movements have even been created to compensate and regain control of one’s diet.

The Veganuary is the world’s largest vegan movement that inspires people to try a plant-based diet for the month of January and throughout the rest of the year.
By signing up, you can receive free helpful tips and browse delicious recipes and easy weekly menus.

Dry January
, on the other hand, is a campaign led by
Alcohol Change UK
in which people are urged to abstain from alcoholic beverages for the entire month of January.

It triggers, therefore, the resolve to get in shape right away.
How many gym subscriptions will be signed up in these early days of low clarity mixed with panic only to be punctually ignored?

Going from one extreme to the other is never a good strategy for our bodies.
That’s why we want to suggest some seasonal products that are perfect for gradually reclaiming our mental and physical well-being without upsetting our lifestyle.

You can find them HERE in our dedicated boxes!