Promoting nutrition education in schools

26 Mar 2024News

Cultivating a healthy relationship with food


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
devotes as many as 2 out of 17 goals to issues related to world hunger, food security, and improved nutrition aimed at health and well-being for all and all ages.

Nutrition education is a crucial element in the growth and development process of young people. In particular, schools provide a valuable opportunity to promote and consolidate healthy and conscious eating habits.

Learning to maintain a varied, balanced and sustainable diet from a young age not only promotes individual health, but also helps cultivate a positive relationship with food and develop a greater awareness of the impact of one’s food choices on the environment and the community.

These goals and issues are the focus of the civic education program at the
A. Frank Secondary School I grade in Meda
for this school year, and they are covered across the different subjects.

Fumagalli Danilo participated in the workshop project of Professor and photographer
Tiziano Masciadri
with his classes 2A, 2B and 2E by providing the raw materials that became the subjects of the works created.
As the children learned and experimented with the photographic technique of “still life,” they reflected on the importance of the quality of raw materials, including where they come from, with a view tosustainable agriculture.

Below is the gallery with some shots taken by the children during this workshop.